Monday, October 12, 2015

Welcome, readers!

What better time than fall to start talking about books? If it's good enough for F. Scott...well, let's not get into that. He was a drinker.


  1. It's a crisp fall morning in Tennessee. Thanks for getting Le Book Chat started. Love the name!

  2. Yay! Still working on some fonts and the layout, but here we go. (And by "working on," I mean Ken is changing things as I point at them while I play Juice Jam on my phone.)

  3. What's everyone's fav by F. Scott?

    1. I think I've only read one... The Great Gatsby, of course. Mandatory readying in high school, but remember loving it and have considered reading it again. What's your favorite?

    2. Mine is the short story Berenice Bobs Her Hair. It has such a quiet, saucy ending.

      You can read it here: Thanks, public domain!

    3. Thanks for the link! Has anyone read Beautiful and the Damned?

    4. I have. I love Gatsby, but I much prefer FSF's short stories to his novels.

    5. If this blog does nothing else but remind me of how much "Bernice Bobs Her Hair" blew me away in high school, then it's a success. WHAT A STORY! Nice one, F. Scott.

      Basically, my favorite F. Scott work is anything that isn't "Tender is the Night."

  4. The Great Gatsby is pretty darn perfect; The Beautiful and Damned makes me cry; I agree with Cherilyn about Tender is the Night (SO bleak). Bernice Bobs Her Hair is such little gem, with one of the best endings ever. [Aside to Bonding Over Book Club members, maybe we should add The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald to the book club list for next year??]
